Monday, December 5, 2011

Coming Together

I seem to have many "Aha" moments, while I'm on my runs.  Something about running allows me to settle in and allow my mind to wander.  Eventually it settles in on topics that are stressing me out in some degree.  Today's run was no different, but what has been stressing me out is my running, so the run was a bit of a workout, mentally and physically.

So today was a tempo run day.  I did the "Hillacious" 18 mile Mt. Bonnel route in downtown Austin on Saturday with a fast finish, which, I kind of died on at mile 16, but still managed to pull out a decent fast finish.  I was still kind of cold and the wind was howling.  I started out the run singing "Break the Chains of my Heart Lord" & Philippians 4:13 over and over again.  I don't know why, but when something is really hard for me, I'll repeat the same song or verse in my head over and over.  I think it distracts me from the task at hand and allows me to get bored, and the mind wandering will take over.  For some reason, I don't feel the physical effort as much that way.

Well, on my tempo run, I did a much longer warm-up than I had been doing, but it was still a bit fast.  I don't know why my warm-up pace has been so fast on my tempo runs, I think it is anxiety.  So after a mile and a half warm-up, I started the run, chanting to myself the above mentioned song verse and scripture.  By mile two, I had my stride.

Then I turned and hit the wind, 2 miles, and I was tired and wondering how in the world was I ever going to run 26.2 miles at this pace.  I began questioning weather I should just give it up now or not.  Then I remembered, "Faith is not believing that God can, it is KNOWING that he will".  So I started chanting again, that saying, and Philippians 4:13.

I started imaging myself heading into the last mile of the race and coming upon the Congress St. hill before the finish line.  I imagined myself dying on that hill, and then I knew that He wouldn't let me, if I leaned on him.  This is my chance to show my girls, that you never give up.  When there is Faith, there is Love, and Love and Faith will conquer all.

Heaving at the last 200 yards to go, I glanced at my watch and saw the lap pace of 7:06!  Woo Hoo!!  I'm at the end of my tempo run and about to sprint it to the end and I'm well below my 7:50 goal.  Maybe the tempo run wasn't so bad after all.  I hit the last 200 at max speed, turned the corner and slowed to a comfortable run for the last 1.5 miles home.

When I got back and looked at my Garmin, my splits surprised me.  My warm-up was 8:55, my tempo run was an average of 7:11 for 4 miles (recovery week) and my cool down was 8:10 for 1.5 miles.  I was shocked that I was able to hold a low 7 when I thought I was barely hanging on to an 8:30 and then my cool down easy run, right after a hard sprint, was still fast at 8:10 when I thought it was like a 9:30.

I used to be so in tune with my pace, but seem to have lost it.  I need to learn how to better control my pace if I'm going to run an 8:20 for 26 miles.  I think I'm going to have to start looking at my watch to see how the pace feels.  I know that my tempo runs need to get longer in duration, 10 miles by January and at a 7:45 pace.  I guess I'm going to be putting that Garmin to test.

All in all, I was very happy with today's run.  Lets see how things go at the track on Wednesday.  I also think I prefer running in cooler temps!


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